Class photo A4, image size 9x6”, with names, and laminated - $15 Individual photos 6x4 - $4.00; 7.5x5 - $6.50; 12x8 - $15.00 Package A Class photo + 2 @ 6x4” individual/family - $20 Package B Class photo + 2 @ 7½x5” individual/family - $22-50 Package C Class photo + 2 @ 6x4” + 1 @ 7½x5” ind/family - $25 Package D Class photo + 2 @ 6x4” + 1 wallets (4 @ 2½x3½”) - $25
Digital copies (excluding class photos) are available at $10 per image
Click on any image to view a larger version
To order, contact me with photo number(s), size & quantity required. I will confirm total price and payment details. Orders received and paid for by Sunday 27th Octoberwill be delivered to kindy during the first week of November.